I was lying in bed, watching the telly, with Kuffer at my side, when he suddenly decided to flip into one of his 'rough play' fits and before I knew what had happened he'd split my lower lip open with his claw! Ouch!!! I was a bit frightened and had visions of stitches and scars and everything, but when I'd stopped panicking, I realised it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. It's still a little sore this morning, but it seems to be healing okay, no thanks to that furry mutthead... who is as affectionate and friendly as ever, having no idea of the damage he's inflicted.
In other news, I did manage to finally get to my writing yesterday, and managed to achieve my 1k after all. It's not the greatest of stuff, and the plot is crawling at a mindbendingly slow pace, but at least it's words, innit? Words that can be edited. This morning I've tried a trick suggested by my fellow Sweat70 sponsor, Diana Peterfreund. She describes a strategy of hers to start the day with a small 15 minute chunk of writing, so that when you go into a more serious and prolonged work session, you're not going in stone cold, because you've already laid down a couple of hundred words or so at the beginning of the day. I've tried this, and have a tidy little chunk of around 250 words to build on later. Thanks, Diana! It's a good tip!
Something lovely happened yesterday... a bit of serendipity type stuff that made me feel very happy and good about myself. I posted the name of the winner of a prize draw of mine, over at Lustbites... and I discovered that before she'd even realised she was a winner, Dakota Rebel had already written a lovely post about me, over on her blog! Seems that a MySpace bulletin I sent out was instrumental in her getting her first book accepted for publication! Now, I often feel guilty that I don't help other writers enough, but it sounds as if inadvertently I've done some good for Dakota! And she also said some lovely things about my work... :)
Read about her story here.
While you're here, please, please, please pop over the the Night Owl Romance Awards and vote for me in the Best Erotic Contemporary Ebook!
If you love you some Portia click here and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE every day until 31st October!
Ouch! You poor thing. I hope it heals soon. My Leo tends to do things like that too, but he usually hangs off my arm and sinks his teeth in until he tastes blood. And he then has the nerve to look offended when I scream.
Yeah, Kuffer looked outraged at me when I screeched and leapt up to run to the bathroom to clean the wound and staunch the blood flow! I'd spoilt his game... LOL
Luckily, my lip seems to be healing okay today...
Ow! Sounds nasty. Hope your healing up okay and that the little critter is behaving himself today.
Ouch ouch ouch! Oh my, do take care of it. Loved Dakota's story, isn't that wonderful.
Cat claws, parrot bites, it's amazing what we put up with from our "loving" pets!
HI Portia! OUCH!
I currently have 8 felines under my roof, only 5 of whom belong to be me. One will be going home next week (I pray! I'm tired of hearing her and my mother growl at each other) and two kittens that I'm bottle feeding with the help of my elderly Jack Russell. Jack and Russell, as they've been named, are doing well, although I have to say, they have really sharp little kitten claws!
Thanks for popping by my blog. As soon as I get some pictures scanned, I'll post them of my fourlegged fur babies. Feline, canine and equine!
*hugs* hope it heals fast.
Great news on the writing. Maybe I'll have to try that when I get stuck.
I got over my writers block and wrote 2483 so far today. I'm thrilled because I broke 5k total on the story and for Sven. I'm still writing, but I'm posting my counts anyway. My tv show is on later and the kids are home from school so doubt my writing will be so impressive the rest of the night and weekend ;)
Keep up the great blog. I love your advice and pictures :)
I think that sometimes our kitties forget that we don't have claws and that we don't lick our wounds to heal. Kuffer sounds like a good cat having bad moment, and don't they all?
Thanks so much for your encouraging words in my blog. Much appreciated. I saw your Sven word counter. Looks like you're doing great. Keep up the good work! And tell Kuffer that sweating and scratches don't mix. ;)
I think that sometimes our kitties forget that we don't have claws and that we don't lick our wounds to heal. Kuffer sounds like a good cat having bad moment, and don't they all?
Thanks so much for your encouraging words in my blog. Much appreciated. I saw your Sven word counter. Looks like you're doing great. Keep up the good work! And tell Kuffer that sweating and scratches don't mix. ;)
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