In spite of having proofs to correct, and an ever mounting list of jobs to do, yesterday was a complete washout. I had a naggling migraine all day, and with it being a weekend, and a shorter day due to a lie in, nothing whatsoever from my list got done. Spent most of the time either drowsing, or watching Pirates of the Caribbean 3. The latter was good, but not as good as the first in the series. I liked the lightness and colourfulness of the first one better, this was a bit too plot heavy. Okay, but not great...
Today is a shorter day too, and I'll probably not get a great amount done, esp. when himself gets back from his clay pigeon shooting and we get involved in chatting and maybe watching TV. We'll also be going out later [cos we didn't yesterday] so there'll be no evening work.
But tomorrow, I will be good and get on with those proofs and my other jobs! If I'm not around much, don't worry, I'm just a bit busy. :)
Telly: Natural History of Britain
Choc/Yummy: Tesco Belgian Milk
Mood: okay
Writing: nothing yet
Reading: nothing yet
RSI/FMS: not too bad
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!