Well, it S17 day here in the UK, and I had breakfast in bed surrounded by roses, messages of congratulation, champagne and the media, anxious to record the auspicious release of my great work...
Yeah, right...
It's just a day like any other day. No big fanfares on my lowly layer of the publishing cake... no thousands of fans camping out outside Waterstones and Borders, waiting to rush in on the stroke of midnight and purchase my oeuvre... I haven't even mentioned it to himself, although I might when he comes home from work.
Anyway, here's hoping that plenty of people do soon discover the book and enjoy it. It's one of those that had a very up and down creation process. One minute I loved it, the next I hated it, but I ended up loving it, so that's what matters. But I also want other people to love my hero Valentino as much as I do... and in that, I'm slightly nervous, because he does have more than his share of quirks and foibles and dodginess in his past... and present. Let's say that he's not a standard erotic romance Alpha hero...

In other news: I'm feeling quite a bit better!
Telly: Japanorama
Choc/Yummy: Arrowroot biscuits
Mood: slightly more focused
Writing: promo
Reading: web surfing
RSI/FMS: bit sore
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!