Here's the new, slightly reworked trade paperback sized cover of
GOTHIC HEAT. Much the same as before, although I must say I preferred it when you could actually see the kiss. But, I can't complain at the size of my name... it's gigantic. The print, that is, not my name as in my rep as a writer! LOL
In other news it's a v. slow start today. For one reason or another I was up until 1am this morning, surfing the web and watching stupid television, and now I'm knackered. Not conducive to clear thinking and story telling, no way... And something has dawned on me about
IN TOO DEEP in the last day or so. I'm approaching the half way mark and there hasn't been an actual shag yet!!! Loads of looking, teasing, fiddling about, erotic challenging, fantasising and exchanging of rude letters and sexy IMs... and even a blow job. But no full on how's yer father.
Some kind of weird erotic romance novel, eh?
Telly: nothing yet today
Choc/Yummy: soon
Mood: okay
Writing: thinking about ITD
Reading: WebUser
RSI/FMS: tired, achy, so what's new?
Don't forget
Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!