I'm also feeling sort of swamped again at the moment, with a zillion things I'm *supposed* to do, things I ought to do, and things I want to do... I'm getting into a bit of an overload situation again, and teetering dangerously towards my tendency to turn into an ostrich in these situations ie. hide, bury my head, ignore *everything*, and just hope some of it will go away. Obviously this is such a childish way to conduct one's life... but hey, I've never claimed to be a paragon of maturity and wisdom, even if I'm getting physically quite ancient.
Telly: nothing much today
Choc/Yummy: Turkish Delight [yes, I'm obsessed]
Mood: a bit off
Writing: grappling with GH
Reading: AGW
RSI/FMS: slightly sore
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!