Well, it's the first of October and the fabulous Raven Halloween Hunt is on! I hope you'll click the graphic above and take part in this fun game of hide and seek... There are lots of authors taking part and offering many, many fabulous prizes, including books from little old moi!

On the subject of games of Hide and Seek the above anthology, edited by the fabulous Alison Tyler and Rachel Kramer Bussel has just been published, and it contains an offering from Portia Da Costa! GLINT is a naughty short about a frisky couple on holiday and their sexy high jinks on a beach. There are stories in the collection from lots of top authors, including my fabulous writing buddy, Saskia Walker.
It's available from both the Amazons now: Amazon.co.uk

HOTBED is out too, in the UK, and imminently in the US... It says on the front it's 'an erotic romance', but to be honest, that's stretching a point. It's more like a woman's voyage of sexual discovery type story... and it's very, very rude! But... the heroine does get her man in the end, and something he says and does shows her that she's the one for him even if there's not a lot of hearts and flowers and stuff.
Check it out at the Amazons: Amazon.com
STOP PRESS... there's a spiffy new interview with me in The Sandbox at The Writing Playground
While you're here, please, please, please pop over the the Night Owl Romance Awards and vote for me in the Best Erotic Contemporary Ebook!
If you love you some Portia click here and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE every day until 31st October!