Yes, as I mentioned yesterday, it's EROTIC ROMANCE WEEK at Bella Michelle's Romance: B[u]y the Book and today's guest blogger is little old me! Wittering on about this and that, as usual... Well, the title is 'Write About What You Know...' - which is very naughty of me because it *isn't* me answering that terrible chestnut of a question that all erotica authors get asked. No, it's more about writing sexy about everyday settings and people as opposed to exotic, made up stuff.
Anyway... click here to read the post and join in the comment chat. You'll need to register at Lifetime TV, but it's very easy. Just remember not to leave any gaps in your chosen username, and if you live outside the US, you can register as if you lived in Beverly Hills by using CA/90210 as state/zip code! Posh, eh?
Oh, and don't forget to read the fabulous Emma Holly's post from yesterday!
And as if that isn't enough excitement, it's also a big day over at Lust Bites too.

The blog is a hundred years old today... no, sorry, one year old today... and there are zillions of fantastic prizes in the Grand Scavenger Hunt, including excellent goodies from me, such as HOTBED, CONTINUUM and GOTHIC BLUE!
Telly: not yet
Choc/Yummy: not yet
Mood: okay
Writing: 1.2K of THE RETREAT last night
Reading: Lord of Scoundrels
RSI/FMS: a bit sore
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!