I should have posted this much earlier in the day, or even yesterday, but I've been so busy that I kept forgetting!!!
Basically, my writing buddy Madelynne Ellis and I have 'taken a residence' at The Romance Galleria! We have our own dinky little suite there and we're hoping to host chats there for our readers and other authors and online friends in general.
The Romance Galleria is a really fun place, it's like a mini virtual world for romance lovers. Authors have suites and alcoves, which showcase their work, and their able to chat in virtual reality with visitors, using avatars! It's very jolly... and I'm rapidly becoming addicted. Madelynne and I have been chatting about our WIPs and plots there, but we'd love to have other people visit us to natter about books and writing, whether it's our work or other people's.
To access the Galleria, you have to download its software. But don't worry!!!! It's easy peasy and it's perfectly safe and secure... and it's completely free, gratis and for nothing! I'm always v. cautious about downloads, but I've had absolutely no problems with this and it's a cinch to use. Once you've downloaded the Galleria, you can choose an avatar for yourself [mine's blond and wears black, of course] and then enter the 'world'. Navigating is easy, you just use your keyboard's arrow buttons to move forward and backwards and from side to side. There's a chat window, and you can choose to have private conversations, or just plunge into general ones with groups of people...
Do please try the Galleria and come along to our first informal chat, which we're holding tonight [1st June] at around 11pm GMT/6pm EST. You'll find our pad in the Section 2 of the Exhibit Hall. Just walk out of the foyer onto the landing, take the Exhibit Hall door to the left, then turn right and pass through the doors marked 'More Exhibits'... where you'll see us to your right! Doors open automatically as you 'run' at them, or you can click to open and then 'up' arrow you're way through them... it's a piece of cake!
If lots of people turn up tonight, we might make it into a real party... with prizes!
In addition to tonight, we drop into our suite at all sorts of odd times, but you can mostly expect to find us there on Friday nights at the above mentioned time... after Law & Order Criminal Intent on C5!!!
Do please come along... and remember, the Galleria isn't just about us! There are lots of other authors there to visit, and lots of regular scheduled events like author chats and book trailer screenings. Issa hoot! Give it a whirl!
Telly: The Holiday
Choc/Yummy: Turkish Delight
Mood: Good, but awash with things to do
Writing: not today... but I promise I'll do some tomorrow
Reading: Gothic Blue
RSI/FMS: slightly sore
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!