Have passed a bit of a milestone with GOTHIC HEAT today... my word counter indicates I've passed the 50% mark! Now this is only 50% if my total is 70K... but I have a feeling that I may go over that total, and nudge up towards the 75% upper limit. But at least, hopefully, I can feel that I'm coasting down the other side of the slope now...
In other news, I may have sold another title to Total-E-Bound! It's a book I sold many, many years ago, and which I loved... but which never really got the exposure and distribution it deserved. This was way back in the days before I was on the internet, and when I knew even less about promo and whatnot than I did now... so probably only about three people bought this book!
Anyway, the title is WILD IN THE COUNTRY... and as it's name suggests, it's a naughty bucolic frolic, with lots of sexy perviness in a lush, rural setting. Here, unsurprisingly, is the faux cover...

Forgot to mention this... I've just received a super review of GOTHIC BLUE by the fabulous and obviously very wise and discerning Lucy Felthouse! So delighted that you enjoyed it, Lucy old mate!
Telly: Sharpe
Choc/Yummy: various
Mood: good
Writing: 1.5K Gothic Heat
Reading: Gothic Blue
RSI/FMS: so so
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!