I also think that Mr Blue [see sidebar] will be after me today with his Uzi or whatever it is, as I suspect that today will be a day when I fail miserably at Sweat70. Himself is back from his jaunt to the Lowlands and the WW2 and Napoleonic battlefields, and naturally I want to spend time just hanging out with him and getting all the buzz on his trip. Plus, we need to hit the supermarket to stock up again and do mucho domestic sorting out and tidying. My plans to make the place shipshape and Bristol fashion for his return did not materialise, and the poor lad has come back to a residence that's cross between a giant dumpster and a sty for one big, fat and particularly slovenly she-pig!
I don't forsee Gothic Heat advancing a single syllable [sp] today... sigh...
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!