Got a bit of publication news this afternoon which pleases me mightily. It's another that I can't quite announce yet, because it's not 'official'... but I think I can say safely that it's 'almost certain' that a certain novella I've rabbited on here at length over the months might see the print light of day in 2008. Big smiles!
I was also deliciously tickled over at Romance By The Blog, when the lovely host there, Michelle, posted a gorgeous piccie of the Divine Vincenzo, just for me!

Telly: snooker
Choc/Yummy: turkish delight
Mood: delighted
Writing: editing a short
Reading: Rosemary Laurey Forever Vamps
RSI/FMS: bit sore, not bad
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!