No, not the sleek beast above... but the sleek beast below... My LaCie External Hard Drive - which is actually designed by the same folk who do the Porsche supercars!

I always save whatever I'm working on to a USB flash drive, and also externally to Omnidrive, but I don't think you can ever have too many backups where technology is concerned. :)
In other news, I've been working on Gothic Heat, and have done a handy 1.3K, which is reassuring. Need to keep up this pace for the rest of the month, in order to meet my target of 40K by the end of June. It's gonna be close, because I've got behind schedule, so I'm going to have to really focus and not get too involved with 'other stuff' for the next couple of weeks.
I've also been working on that short I mentioned... the one that needed extending... and with the sage advice of my crit partner, I've managed to bump it up to 7K, which is the wordcount required by the editor. Need to get it lobbed off to my agent tomorrow, and hopefully soon I'll get a response - and a positive one - from the editor... Watch this space for news of this!
ps. it's called Object of Desire... take a million guesses as to who inpired the 'object'.
Telly: Nile
Choc/Yummy: Bendincks Milk
Mood: good
Writing: Gothic Heat
Reading: draft of a buddy's novella... very good stuff
RSI/FMS: bit sore
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!