Wahey, my Kevin and Perry CD arrived this morning! So I'm currently enjoying some bangin' Ibiza classics and dialogue snippets from the film. Yeah, I know it's a silly movie in a lot of ways, but I like it... sometimes, it's just nice to escape into total daftness and not to have to worry about any kind of intellectual significance and all that stuff. K&P is sort of like good old British Carry On but with a much better soundtrack... and beneath all the crudity and rudeness, I do think there's a surprisingly warm heart.
Anyway, it's serving its purpose in taking my mind off something I've been mulling over for a day or two, and which prompted my chainsaw post, further down. I've wrestled with this issue before, and it doesn't seem to go away... one of these days it'll come to a head, and I'll have to act, but for the moment, I'm wimping out and procrastinating... The sad thing is though, with my head screwed by this shit, it's hard to write and yet another day is speeding past without anything done towards Sweat70, which pains me because I started so well, and felt it was really, really benefitting me. But I will get back to it... I promise, Mr Blue and Sven, I will get back on track... Nil bastardi carborundum and all that...
On the plus side, while I'm not actually creating new fiction in the form of GOTHIC HEAT, I'm free to concentrate on checking the proofs of an older work which is about to see a new lease of life... ie. the second of my forthcoming Total-E-Bound ebook releases, WILD IN THE COUNTRY.

Oh my, this book is mad! But in a good way... I'd say it's sort of an erotic romance, because there's a central relationship, and a love story that develops and suggests HEA, but alongside that, it's really one of the craziest, most pervy and bonkathonical shagoramas I've ever written. Sort of like a giant loving menage story involving half the inhabitants of an English country village. LOL
Issa hoot!!!
Telly: listening to K&P instead
Choc/Yummy: seashell choc bar
Mood: stressed
Writing: proof checking WITC
Reading: WITC & Dark Lover/JR Ward
RSI/FMS: sore and weary
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!