ENTERTAINING MR STONE is available as an audio download from Amazon.com/Audible!
Here's the link!
There's a sample available, and it's quite nicely read. The reader sounds as if she's really getting into it... ;)
Sadly they weren't able to engage Signor D'Onofrio to do the voice of Clever Bobby Stone, but I suspect his fee might be more than the publishers were prepared to shell out... A girl can dream though...

ps. it's UNABRIDGED... so you presumably get all the rude stuff in full audio glory!!!! Wonder if there are sound effects??? LOL
Telly: Two and a Half Men
Choc/Yummy: not yet
Mood: good
Writing: not yet
Reading: Gothic Blue
RSI/FMS: not too bad
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!