Gosh, has this been a ride and a half! I've never done a book from a standing start of 'maybe I could do a sequel...' before. From nothing, from no outline, no idea, no characters, no nothing... And part of the time, I thought I'd made a huge mistake, agreeing to this, but now I feel okay because I think it's all right, although obviously no great work of dazzling literary genius or anything. But I think it's a reasonable story with some okay bits in it, and hopefully, all the folk who liked Gothic Blue will like it. Even though there's precious little Andre in it...
I think I must give a shout out to Romance Diva Gwen Hayes in connection with Gothic Heat... she did a super review of Gothic Blue, many months ago, in which she said the only thing she'd like to have seen more of in it was the evil sorceress, Isidora. And that's what gave me the idea for the Gothic Heat! So Gwen, take a bow...
And while you're here, please, please, please pop over the the Night Owl Romance Awards and vote for me in the Best Erotic Contemporary Ebook!
If you love you some Portia click here and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE every day until 31st October!
Telly: Sharpe
Choc/Yummy: Lindor Bar
Mood: strange
Writing: nothing, but must start again soon
Reading: Slave to Sensation, Nalini Singh
RSI/FMS: bit sore..
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!