I'm sure I'm not the only author who dislikes this stage of the publishing process. As a dear friend on Twitter just pointed out, manuscripts are like children, and when you've sent them off into the wild blue yonder, all growed up, you do not want them back again so soon, hanging around the house starting niggling arguments over relatively minor issues. Especially when the come back influenced by others, outside the home. ;)
I like this book. I really do... It's not great literature, but there are story elements in it that I've really enjoyed writing, employing themes of yearning and reunion that have always touched my heart. But going through it and having to pick nits in it, several times over, makes it hard for me to remember the magic of its creation and to anticipate the joy in sharing my little story with others...
Checking page proofs just slaps you in the face with things you suddenly feel you might not have got quite right... just when it's far to late to do a lot about them.
Obviously, it's a very necessary evil. It's quality control. It's making sure there are no typo snafus to spoil the reader's enjoyment of the book...
But boy does it drive me to distraction and back again!!!! Grrrr....