I think it's a viral thing, because I'm a bit sinussy too, and with a tendency towards headaches etc, as well as a cough. I think I feel a tad sharper this morning, but I'm not crystal clear. Not that I ever am...
I haven't really done much of anything since I turned IN TOO DEEP in on Monday. A lot of time has been spent grappling with stupid technology. Basically trying to get my old Psion 5MX to talk to my laptop... when my laptop doesn't have a serial port and the Psion only connected via a serial port. After trying two previous USB/serial adaptors, I was ready to chuck in the towel, then I read a blog post somewhere, recommending yet another brand... and lo and behold, it arrived this morning and it actually works. Hurrah! My idea is to take the Psion with me to RWA, so that if I have any brilliant ideas, I can type them up on it, and then load them onto the laptop when I get home. :)
Needless to say, wrangling with recalcitrant comms software and drivers isn't the best thing to do when you're fuzzy headed, but me being me ie. a complete twit, I've wrangled, and probably made myself feel worse into the bargain.