My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was intrigued by this item, a gay interpretation of the great friendship between Holmes and Watson, and I wasn't quite sure what I was going to make of it when I first started reading. I've always thought there was a deep and powerful bond between the two men, but I wasn't sure I liked the idea of it being more than that.
However, when I got into the story, I was very pleasantly surprised. The writing is excellent, and despite the obvious differences from the canonical, the voice is believable and very much in the Watson style. The period detail, and the nods to the original stories are also very well done, and with a light hand rather than ladled on.
It's very much a romance between the two men, dealing with Watson's unrequited feelings for his brilliant friend as much as his desire for him. It's not a work of erotica, and love scenes are 'off camera', with the focus on the angst and yearning of Watson, and the heartache of being in love with a man who doesn't show emotion and has difficulty even feeling it. The author does a really good job of conveying Watson's anguish, and the result makes for a sincere and moving read.