First was my first post RWA lunch out with my buddy Saskia... and as always, it was totally brill!

We had a good long natter and enjoyed the opportunity to review and reflect on our experiences in San Francisco. The highlights, the tougher aspects such as jet lag, the people we met, and the value we think we got out of the trip. We both concluded that we got lots of the latter! We also compared notes on the projects we have ahead and how we're going to approach them...
When I parted from Saskia, promising we'd get together again soon, I moseyed on down to the local Waterstones and found 2 copies of Gothic Blue in stock. Now, in San Francisco, bolstered by Saskia urging me on, I'd signed some books in a Borders there, but I wasn't quite sure I could do the signing thing alone in a local shop. I circled the store two or three times, buying an AA mini guide to Washington in the process, but eventually, I plucked up courage to ask the man on the desk if he wanted me to sign my books. I'm glad to say he was really pleased and delighted, and I managed to adorn each copy with a fairly reasonable PDC autograph... and slip in a promotional postcard plugging IN TOO DEEP [which is out in the UK on 4th Sept, eeek agh!]
Speaking of IN TOO DEEP, some author copies of the same arrived yesterday too.

I also received another foreign edition. A German version of THE DEVIL INSIDE.

Oh, and to round off a pretty splendid day, in the evening I had a jolly good online chat with my other RWA travelling companion, Madelynne. This was another chinwag about writing projects and general juicy gossip... and the Z word was not uttered even once. ;)