Friday, 24 November 2006

in the past couple of days I have been mainly...

  1. working on Techno Gothic Contemporary although I doubt if anybody will want it...
  2. doing some webby bits for lovely client Gwen Kirkwood...
  3. hurting my back - tweaked a muscle reaching for something in a funny way...
  4. hurting my shoulder and arm - could be computer use, could be part of back incident above...
  5. watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and feeling puzzled as to why I'm not enjoying it as much as I should...
  6. visiting this strangely compulsive, sick in places, mordantly funny and rather clever web site *- don't understand most of it, but bits of it made me much neededly laugh out loud...
  7. looking at a fruit cake selected by himself, at Tesco, for his personal consumption, and wondering if he would notice a missing slice or several...
  8. panicking about Christmas...
  9. avoiding quite a bit of reality...
* surf with care, much not worksafe and also v. v. gross!!!
Telly: POTC 2
Chocolate: Belgian Milk
Mood: flat, numb, compartmentalised anger
Writing: TechGoth contemp
Wordcount: abysmal
Reading: the writing on the wall
RSI: very sore shoulder