Well, US chums, it's out today, so I hope you're racing to the shops to get it!
It's a long time since I wrote it [1995] but I do remember that Gothic Blue was huge fun to write and the first time I'd forayed into a full length paranormal erotic novel. I'm not sure what else was around at the time, but my editor reckons this was a book ahead of its time, considering how popular paranormal romance is now... And it's definitely a romance. There are two main love relationships in it, and one's so enormous that it spans centuries! There're are also plenty of spooky goings on at mysterious Sedgewick Priory and loads and loads of sex of all persuasions! So I'm really hoping you'll take a visit there and meet sexy Count Andre, Belinda and Jonathan, and quite a cast - for me - of other fairly libidinous characters!
If you wanna try before you buy, there're excerpts here and here and tomorrow there'll be another one over at LustBites.
To celebrate US Gothic Blue Day, I'm going to do a prize draw here today. Just leave a comment on this post - doesn't have to be about GB... can just be a hello - and on Thursday, I'll pick a name at random and announce the winner here! The prize will be a couple of books from my backlist.
Telly: not yet
Chocolate: not yet
Mood: good
Writing: thinking about Smalltown
Reading: Passion of Isis - Madelynne Ellis
RSI/FMS: not bad
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!