I've been thinking about this for a few days, but wasn't quite sure how to go about it... but yesterday, I got a bit of a flash of inspiration and an idea of how to start it. And today, I've dove into the action and have already done 1.1K words... and it's only midday! Way to go me!
Being a devotee of literary cliches, I'm not only begun with a prologue, but also a dream sequence. LOL! But despite this, I think it'll work okay. The dream is from the villainess's POV and sort of serves of a set up for the story and a bridge between Gothic Blue and Gothic Heat. I've also tried to use a touch of the more flowery language I used for GB... which is another bridging device. The main body of GH will be told in the more 'realistic' type style I use now, but I'm hoping the tone of this prologue will 'connect' the two books in tone as well as content.
I don't think this is any kind of gigantic lightbulb type breakthrough... but I do think it's a useful development, and I'm feeling a tiny bit more confident about this mare of a book now. :)
Telly: French Moto GP
Choc/Yummy: Fry's Turkish Delight
Mood: good
Writing: 1.1K Gothic Heat
Reading: A Gentleman's Wager/Madelynne Ellis
RSI/FMS: not bad
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!