Well, I've had a really good firs week on the Seventy Days of Sweat challenge. Yesterday, in spite of already having reached my weekly goal total, and thus being subject to the temptation to take a day off, I managed to clock up a tidy 1K words and maintain my output. Now, that means I could have a day off today... The total on the right shows that I've already 'done' today's writing, but I'm determined not to succumb to slacking this time round, so hopefully I'll be working.
The other big news is that crit partner Saskia has read all of KISS IT BETTER now and she really likes it and thinks it works! Wahey! Feel *so* much better now... I was so incredibly worried about this one. There are some tweaks and bits to do to it, but nothing radical, so it looks as if it's going to be ready nicely in time for the deadline. I also have to read through and polish a short story for a Black Lace anthology for around the same date, although that's not a commissioned piece, so crossed fingers will be required that it meets with approval.
My other ongoing projects are my two remaining Spice Briefs to finish [first of those is well on the way] and a couple more stories I'd like to write for subbing to two other Black Lace anthos. After that, who knows...
Readers, what would you like ol' PDC to tackle next?