Sweat70 has started and Mr Blue is determined to get tough with me from the outset! Which he needs to, because not only am I a sponsor this time round [I must be maaaaad!!!!] I'm also in the middle of one of my 'oh no, I don't want to write... it's too hard...' things. Which is a bit inconvenient to say the least...
No, seriously, I was feeling like that, but whilst taking a walk up into little town, to the bank [and forgetting to call at the chemists, which I was supposed to call at] I did have a bit of inspiration for the start of my next WIP, which I plan to 'sweat' over, to get at least a goodish chunk done by the time the challenge ends in January. I'm still debating between first and third person, but am veering closer to first at the moment. And even if I start in first and it's a misfire, I'll still have the storyline that I can rewrite in first, won't I?
While you're here, please, please, please pop over the the Night Owl Romance Awards and vote for me in the Best Erotic Contemporary Ebook!
If you love you some Portia click here and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE every day until 31st October!