.... I didn't get lost or detained in
San Francisco!

This is a piccie of me, taken in the
Fisherman's Wharf area, during a sight-seeing trip with
Saskia, with the infamous island of
Alcatraz there in the background.

And here's me again with the gorgeous and lovely
Michelle Buonfiglio at the
Bellas' Breakfast, one of the highlights of my RWA experience. I think
Madelynne took this piccie...
I don't think I'm capable of writing a proper account of my trip, as it's all pretty overwhelming and my poor jet lagged and sleep deprived brain just doesn't seem to be able to process it properly. Suffice it to say, though, that our RWA really was the adventure of a lifetime, and totally crazy, exciting and fun from start to finish. Met some lovely, lovely people and returned happy and inspired!