But today, I don't want to do anything but watch the rest of the Die Hard 4.0 DVD I've got out from Amazon rental! This is a corking film, all action and really outrageously improbable, but with great characterisation from the splendid Bruce Willis and also his computer geek sidekick lad, whose name escapes me. I'm just loving all the crashing and the flames and the shooting and good old John McClane surviving impacts that would have anybody else in traction yet managing to get up and keep on kicking ass. I don't care if the whole thing's totally mad... it's raw entertainment and I love it, love it, love it!
Telly: see above
Choc/Yummy: bananas :(
Mood: in the mood for movies
Writing: nothing, but did some yesterday
Reading: Exclusive
RSI/FMS: bit sore in the wrist area and shoulder
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!