Any road up, I know I've been a very poor blogger lately, so will attempt a bit of catch up here...
So, what's happening...
At the moment, I've got the contracts for my next two Spice Briefs on my desk. These are ANOTHER CHANCE & A GENTLEWOMAN'S RAVISHMENT. Another Chance is about further naughty goings on at Blaystock Manor, which is featured in CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, my first Spice Brief. This time it's Maud the archivist who's having some sexy, spanky fun with William the hunky estate steward. Hee hee! A Gentlewoman's Ravishment features Prudence Enderby, who gets a shock when her forbidden erotic fantasies about being kidnapped and ravished by a fabulously horny brigand start to come true!
Another Chance is nearly complete, but Ravishment is yet to be started. They'll both appear sometime in 2010, Ravishment in Spring, probably, the month after its sister story, A GENTLEWOMAN'S PREDICAMENT is published, and Chance, later in that year.
My next publication, due out on 1st May, is TWICE THE PLEASURE, the first in my Risque Reunions trilogy for Spice Briefs. I'm hoping that the other two stories in this trio appear in consecutive months... Twice is about Caitlyn, who, returning to her old high school college for a ten year reunion, meets up with the beau she was besotted with back in the day... and who unfortunately didn't seem to be besotted with her, because he was besotted with his best male buddy! But all is not as it seems, and the three old college mates come to an erotic and deliciously wicked understanding.
What else have I been working on recently? Well, my first ever full length historical erotic romance! This is a first for me, as I've always been shy of attempting something that needs so much research, and have also always felt that I'm a person very much rooted in the contemporary... But the idea of writing a historical was suggest to me, and really took my fancy, so I thought I'd give it a shot and have written a proposal for a hot historical set in the late Victorian period. I must stress this is only a proposal, and not a commissioned work... so it's in the lap of the gods as to whether it'll meet the approval of an editor... In these tough times, when publishing opportunities are at even more of a premium than ever, I'm going to need the crossed fingers, toes and miscellaneous other extremities of all my friends and fans if 'victorianoid' is to succeed!