Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Please have a good thought for....


My little baby has just been taken to the vet for an operation... It's routine, to remove a small cyst on her chin that has been gradually growing for several years. But I still worry and I hate that she has to undergo an ordeal. She's such a character and a precious little mite, and it's been particularly hard to have to starve her overnight, because as you can see from the above she really, really loves her food! Hopefully, though, the op will be relatively minor and go smoothly and she'll quickly be back on top form, eating everything in sight, and possessed of an elegant super sleek chinline again!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure Mulder will be fine. And entitled to lots of extra cuddles when she comes home.

Dara Edmondson said...

Sounds like she'll come through fine. Hang in there. I totally know how you feel - my female cat is my baby, too.

Saskia Walker said...

Aww, poor sweetie. I've got my fingers crossed for her and I'm thinking of you both. How's Kuffer doing on his meds? Big Cat seems to have got a new lease of life, there's a new boy cat in the neighbourhood and she seems delighted that he comes around and rolls in her favourite spots in the garden every day. Amazing what a bit of male attention can do for a gal ;))

Portia Da Costa said...

Thanks for the good wishes, guys! Still waiting for the call from the vets here...

Kuffer is doing great on his meds, Saskia! He's put on weight, his thyroid hormone levels are more normal now, and the vet is pleased with his progress. Seems like he might be okay on a medium dosage indefinitely, without the necessity for an op.

Great news that Big Cat is doing well too!

val said...

I'm reading this after the post that says she's home, but I just wanted to say - I HATE starving my cats for surgery. SOmetimes I think I should take them to the vet's the night before so that they can do the evil job, but that's just pandering to my own selfishness, and would be so much worse for the cat.

Portia Da Costa said...

Hey, Val... At one time we had *five* cats, so whenever one had to be starved for a dental or something like that, we did used to ask the vet if we could leave the cat in question at the surgery the night before, to avoid total chaos with five felines racketing around demanding food all through the night before!