Well, US chums, it's out today, so I hope you're racing to the shops to get it!
It's a long time since I wrote it [1995] but I do remember that Gothic Blue was huge fun to write and the first time I'd forayed into a full length paranormal erotic novel. I'm not sure what else was around at the time, but my editor reckons this was a book ahead of its time, considering how popular paranormal romance is now... And it's definitely a romance. There are two main love relationships in it, and one's so enormous that it spans centuries! There're are also plenty of spooky goings on at mysterious Sedgewick Priory and loads and loads of sex of all persuasions! So I'm really hoping you'll take a visit there and meet sexy Count Andre, Belinda and Jonathan, and quite a cast - for me - of other fairly libidinous characters!
If you wanna try before you buy, there're excerpts here and here and tomorrow there'll be another one over at LustBites.
To celebrate US Gothic Blue Day, I'm going to do a prize draw here today. Just leave a comment on this post - doesn't have to be about GB... can just be a hello - and on Thursday, I'll pick a name at random and announce the winner here! The prize will be a couple of books from my backlist.
Telly: not yet
Chocolate: not yet
Mood: good
Writing: thinking about Smalltown
Reading: Passion of Isis - Madelynne Ellis
RSI/FMS: not bad
Don't forget Portia's Promos - new stuff being added all the time!
Hello! Would love to win a copy of Gothic Blue!
I think what's so great about the 'book ahead of its time' comment, is that publishers are always saying they are looking for the next big thing. And you were there! Ahead of the others.
Well done, Wendy. Hope you and Kuffer are both well.
Congratulations on your release! I love the cover and would love to win a copy!
Yay, on the release, Wendy. I've not read any of your books yet, I'm sorry to say. They haven't shown up in my bookstore. If I'm not lucky enough to win, I'm defintely ordering - Gothic Blue and Continuum looks like must-haves. Have a great re-release day!
I have a few of your books and have enjoyed them very much!!!
Wishing you much success with Gothic Blue!! Looks like a winner!!!
I thought this one sounded good when you were talking about it on the loop yesterday. Looking forward to finding it today.
Congrats on your release. Best of luck. This certainly has my attention.
Congrats on your release. This certainly has my attention.
Congrats on your release. This certainly has my attention.
Hi Portia! Congratulations on the release!
Congrats on your release. This certainly has my attention.
Congrats on your release. It certainly has my attention.
Congrats on your release. It certainly has my attention.
Congrats on your release. It certainly has my attention.
Hello Wendy,
Thanks so much for posting this on Sasha's group. It's a pleasure meeting you.
WoW! You're books all look great. I haven't read any of them yet *Sighs* I sure would love to though. You have some very nice covers as well love your website.
Congratulations on the new release this one sounds good as well as the others :-)
Portia, that cover is brilliant! Congratulations on the release and here's hoping it sells like crazy.
I'd love to win one of your books. I haven't been able to find them in local bookstores.
Wow what an awesome cover and excellent excerpts I dont know how I missed it before..LOL Congrads on your release. I too would love to win a copy.
Congrats on the rerelease of Gothic Blue, can't wait to read it. Also Continuim sounds might good :)
Congrats on the rerelease of Gothic Blue, sounds great. Continuim also sounds good.
Oh me me me, waving here, I would also like to win the book.
Hi guys! Glad you're all here joining in the fun... and don't worry, *this* comment is out of the running for a prize... although I may award myself an extra slice of cake or a chocolate treat!
ps. I'm an ultra cautious blogger, and this blog is comment moderated. So there may be a time lag before your comment appears...
G'd Morning Portia :)
Congratulations on your release!
Hope you're having fun celebrating.
Your book sounds very interesting. You must love the fact that an older book is being reprinted- that is neat. Kudos to you fellow Diva!
Terrific! This one's going on the TBR list.
Love the cover! Great excerpts! *g*
Can't wait to pick this up! Congratulations!
Can't wait to pick this up! Congratulations!
I found out about you on wicked writers. This looks like a great book.
Larena Wirum
Hi Guys!
Just wanted to drop in and thank you all for commenting... It's lovely to have so many people drop by. I wish I had enough books on hand to give everyone a prize... I'm definitely going to give two prizes though, and maybe more if more people comment. I'll keep the draw open until tomorrow teatime GMT.
Congrats on another US release! :)
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