Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Science of Sherlock Holmes

The Science of Sherlock Holmes: From Baskerville Hall to the Valley of Fear, the Real Forensics Behind the Great Detective's Greatest CasesThe Science of Sherlock Holmes: From Baskerville Hall to the Valley of Fear, the Real Forensics Behind the Great Detective's Greatest Cases by E.J. Wagner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A fascinating and informative read. Shines a light on the forensic background to the Sherlock Holmes stories, with examples from real cases that may have influenced Conan Doyle, and the insights and misapprehensions of investigators at the time. I some ways, the police and scientists of the late Victorian/Edwardian era naturally drew the same correct conclusions that their contemporary counterparts would... but in other cases they were blundering in the dark without benefit of modern technology and discoveries.

Very enjoyable and readable, frequently enhanced by the author's dry wit.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Ooh la la it's... INTIMATE EXPOSURE

Wahey, here's the sexy cover for INTIMATE EXPOSURE, my first release with Carina Press! Super hawt, eh?

INTIMATE EXPOSURE is a BDSM novella about a Vicki, an executive gal with a hidden desire to explore naughty spanking games, and Red, a roguish freelance photographer, who drives her crazy with his wicked teasing ways... and at the same time promises to bring to life all her luscious forbidden dreams.

You can read more about INTIMATE EXPOSURE here and also read a chunky excerpt, in which Vicki and Red have one of their many little contretemps, and he first discovers her kinky secret interests.

Friday, 14 October 2011

An excellent read

Close to Holmes: A look at the connections between historical London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan DoyleClose to Holmes: A look at the connections between historical London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Alistair Duncan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a wonderful book. A fascinating look at the London haunts of both Sherlock Holmes and his creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The wealth of information makes me want to read the Holmes canon all over again, now I know more about the locales referenced.

Essential for Holmes fans and also extremely useful for authors writing about London in late Victorian/Edwardian era.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

ANOTHER CHANCE - available at Amazon Kindle

Wahey, my latest Spice Brief is now available at and so you can now enjoy this naughty BDSM tale on your Kindle... maybe perhaps your new Kindle Fire when you get it? ;)

ANOTHER CHANCE is the sequel to my first ever Brief, CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, and Rose and the Marquis appear again as supporting characters -- although now lucky Rose has won her man and become his Marchioness. The titled twosome are still as daring as ever though, and inadvertently put on a sexy show for Maud and William, the protagonists in ANOTHER CHANCE.

Here's the blurb:

The Chance of a Lifetime… Again.

It’s been a long time since Maud Piper has had a lover, particularly one who can give her what she really wants: the masterful hand of a strong, powerful man. The sting of pain that turns into pleasure.

Only Maud’s late fiancé had been able to satisfy her. Not even watching her employers at Blaystock Manor, the Marquis and Marchioness, in their own rough love play brings her the release she longs for—until she is caught in the act by William Graves, the estate’s ruggedly handsome steward. Can he give Maud another chance to experience the pleasure she craves?

Here's a sexy excerpt

And here are the Amazon links: