Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Monday, 28 April 2008
Oh hell...

Can be done... but it's caused me to start doubting and questioning the whole book now. And the behaviour of the characters. I've gone from rather liking it to thinking it's a pile of pooh again, and silly, unintelligent and uneven.
It's probably okay, actually, but now, I'll always have doubts and uncertainties about it. One thing I know though... *never ever* again will I agree to turn in a manuscript early. Next time, I'll work up until my originally allotted deadline and take all the time I need for additional checking and nitpicking and extra polishing!!!!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
I'd forgotten how much...

It's not that I hate the book itself, on the contrary, I'm very fond of it, and the characters. But I hate having to read it twice on the trot, knowing I'm going to find snafus. I daren't just read it the once, because I always, but always, find new errors on the second pass.
Worse than the actual reading and marking up the errors is the decision making. Making decisions is one of the things I loathe and hate and dread in life with extreme prejudice! And having to decided, with certain page proof 'funnies' whether to change them, or how to change them, makes me want to scream and cry and break things. It's horrifically stressful. In fact I actually get a physically sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of it... I've got that right now, and I'm doing anything I can to avoid tackling the proofs again... including making lolcats instead of getting stuck in.
And yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I should be a pro about this and get started and not whinge like a baby about it... but as my dear old Mum would have said, I'm 'maungy' and a drama queen, and can really act like a kid about things sometimes...
Time for a coffee, methinks, and maybe I'll watch a bit of snooker now... and start again on the proofs this afternoon. LOL
Friday, 25 April 2008
Excerpt at Lust Bites today!

GemHeat is very much a 'women's romantic erotica' novel, rather than the sort of emotionally driven erotic 'romance' that I write today. Why not nip over there and check out the difference?
Keepin' it old school, baby!
While you're there, leave a comment, and you'll go into a prize draw to win a signed copy of a book from my backlist! :)
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
I'm hanging with Ravens today!

I'm featured at the Raven Blog today, with a Promo for Gothic Heat! This is a fun juxtaposition actually, as there's a Raven Nightclub in the book. It's pretty disreputable dive and nowhere near as classy as Michelle and Mandy's gaff though. The hero and heroine, Rafe and Paula first meet at the Raven... and sort of 'get to know' each other in the alley behind the club, if you get my drift! ;)
Anyway, do nip along there and leave a comment, because there's a chance for one lucky commenter to win a spot prize of a two book bundle of signed titles from my backlist!
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Professor Hottie... is hot!

The proofs themselves are pretty straightforward... no major boo-boos or continuity errors as far as I can determine. Just a few odd punctuation bits, nothing drastic. Which is big phew of relief for me! I've done the first pass, and am 'clearing my head' of them today, but tomorrow, I'll be reading through the proofs again. Even though I think I've caught everything, there is always, but always something I find on the second pass...
And I do like the book. It's a simple story, very intensely focused on two sexy, emotional people, pretty much a feel-good tale but with a side of complications that make the pair work for their happiness.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Snooker Loopy!

Snooker is the ideal viewing while checking page proofs, because you can have it burbling away in the background as a calming presence, and when you need a few moments to refresh your mind and your eyes, you can look up and dip into a game. I haven't quite yet decided who I want to win... but when I do, it'll be the kiss of death for that player, naturally.
What with the proofs and everything, I have a busy week ahead. I'm featured at the Raven Blog on Wednesday, and will be dropping in to answer comments there. :)
And on Friday, I've got an excerpt post at Lust Bites. Still haven't quite decided what excerpt to post, but it'll be from my first ever Black Lace novel GEMINI HEAT. Have been reading through the thing, looking for something to pull out, and it's astonishing how different it is to the way I write now. I'm not saying it's necessarily worse or better... it's just different! I think for my own taste, I prefer the me of now... I'm much, much happier with emotion based, committedly romantic writing... but the old PDC of full on, shag everything that moves erotica still has a certain charm.
Regular readers... what do you think? Erotic journeys toward love and HEA? Or women's erotic education bonkathons?
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Eeek! Agh!

Now, I should have expected these imminently, as the editor asked if I could turn the book in three weeks early, but it was still a shock when postie handed them to me this morning. I usually get a 'heads up' that they're on their way, but obviously things were too hectic and no warning was sent.
Page proofs terrify the bejesus out of me because at this stage, it's too late to make anything but the most essential changes to correct any spelling and punctuation bits that have slipped through the editing process. Obviously the book must be generally okay, as I wasn't asked to do any corrections, but it's a bit [lot] disquieting when you turn in a book and the next thing you know, the proofs arrive! It's the next to final stage...
Anyway, as gentle readers of this blog will know, IN TOO DEEP was one of those books that was both fun, and a total beyotch to write. As most of mine are, nowadays... But it's also one I ended up loving, and smiling at the end of, happy for my characters, Gwendolynne and Professor Hottie aka Daniel. Despite it's naughtiness and rampant sexual shenanigans, I think romance readers will like the way it goes. :)
It's available on the 4th September [my wedding anniversary!] in the UK and 11th November in the US, and you can pre-order now [if you want...] from Amazon.com
Friday, 18 April 2008
Do watch this! :)
This delightful funny is going the rounds apparently.... I found it at Cute Overload. It's priceless!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Suite Seventeen is already a winner, having won the Year's Best Contemporary Erotic Romance Award at ROMANCE B[U]Y THE BOOK!

Sunday, 13 April 2008
Random Bloke of the Day

Just look at those lovely smiley eyes!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Look what arrived this morning!
Doesn't it look gorgeous? Not pink, but still a very pretty colour...
You can find excerpts from my novella - ILL MET BY MOONLIGHT - here and here.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Pretty in Pink!

Here's some stuff about the book
Thursday, 10 April 2008
More of that excellent news!

So that's two lovely new print titles that I wasn't expecting. Isn't that fab? Especially for reader buddies of mine who still prefer a good, traditional printed book over an ebook.
No details yet of the actual release date... but I'll post it here as soon as I know it.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Some excellent news!

WILD IN THE COUNTRY my recent release from hot British epublisher Total-E-Bound is soon to go into print!!!
Wild in the Country was originally published in print in a slightly different version several years ago, but the publisher at the time never did any marketing or promotion for the line, so it pretty much disappeared without a trace on that first publication. Which was a shame, because even though it's not a giant classic of erotic literature, it's a really fun book with lots of rampant bonking and all round kinkery. A light hearted read to cheer you up and make you laugh at its absurdity as much as it turns you on.
Consequently, I'm really glad it's coming back into print again, especially as I know that there are lots of PDC readers out there who tend to prefer an actual book in their hands rather than reading an ebook.
I don't have any details about release date, or price, or where you can buy it yet, but rest assured, as soon as I know, so will you! So watch this space! :)
And a ps. to my fellow Vincent D'Onofrio fans....
Although Wild in the Country was written long before I turned on to our darling Vincenzo, I discovered when I was editing it again that I kept seeing the hero, Drew, as our guy. He's a tall, dark, strapping, gorgeously handsome artist with a wickedly naughty sexual imagination... nuff said! ;)
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Wahey, a great day out!

Luckily, the staff didn't come and chase us away for rearranging the shelves and frightening the punters away! LOL
ps. Madelynne... notice anything? ;)
Thursday, 3 April 2008
very scary

Click here to read post [comment there for chance of a prize!]
The trouble is, I burbled something about 'what would I be doing in another 14 years' and now I've scared myself sh*tless because it's dawned on my how very, very old I'll be in 14 years time.
Of course there's nothing I can do about that, but still, it's frightening... :(
ps. hottish excerpt of Gemini Heat there too.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Here's my lad...

Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Have a good thought for....

KUFFER today... He's in the veterinary hospital, having dental treatment. It's routine stuff, although he'll probably have to have some teeth out, but he's 16 years old, and at that age, anaesthetics are a risk. Plus he has a thyroid condition. I shall be on tenterhooks until I hear from them that he's awake again. :(
Oh, and we've got a mouse in the house again too. Sigh...
He's fine! Awake from the op and doing well. He doesn't have many teeth left, just a couple of canines, but both Alice and Mulder had to have their back teeth out some years ago, and they both eat like gannets!
No further news on the mouse. Still there, I suppose...
Oh, and we've got a mouse in the house again too. Sigh...
He's fine! Awake from the op and doing well. He doesn't have many teeth left, just a couple of canines, but both Alice and Mulder had to have their back teeth out some years ago, and they both eat like gannets!
No further news on the mouse. Still there, I suppose...
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