Now those of you who read my books and know where my inspirations come from will know that DESIGNED FOR SIN is my Spike from BtVS book... but the Russian cover artist seems to have completely ignored my physical description of the hero and made him dark haired! Unless of course, he's been given a retouch in the translation... But hey, I'm not worried in the slightest because it's so ineffably splendid and nifty to have a book translated into Russian at all! I think this is my first ever Soviet title... and I'm chuffed to bits!
But that's not all...
Imagine my further surprise, when, while I was flicking through the book and showing it to himself [who was dead impressed!], I discovered that it's *illustrated*!!! Some of the line drawings leave a little to be desired, but there's an enthusiastic quality about them that's a lot of fun, and they do fairly faithfully represent scenes from the book. I've picked out one below that does indeed seem to suggest the correct colour for the hero's blond hair...

Issa hoot, innit! :)
Wow, that's amazing, Wendy! And the illustrations are an added bonus.
Congratulations! Zdravsvootye! (As far as I remember that means 'pleased to meet you'. About as far as my Russian stretches.)
You should get a title - the International Ambassador for Smut in the Former USSR. Onwards and upwards!
Nikki is right, Ambassador for smut has a great ring! Portia's naughty words reach out across the world, what fun! Many congratulations on the translation.
Bwahahaha. On the one hand: kinda jealous. On the other: kinda just thinking *why*?
Dunno what you mean by 'why?', Mathilde... That's just the way they do things over in Russia, obviously. LOL
I don't know. I hope it didn't sound rude btw - it wasn't meant to. I was just imagining how I would feel if someone illustrated one of my books. I'd be over the moon, but also just kind of bemused!
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