I'm thrilled to announce that I've been offered
a two book contract to write erotic romance novels for
Harlequin Spice, the big sister of
Spice Briefs, the line of short erotic fiction I've been writing for since last November.
I don't have full details of publication and delivery as yet, but the first book will be the critter I've been calling
Victorianoid, which is actually an erotic romance set in the late 1880s, provisionally entitled
IN THE FLESH. It's a kind of Victorian 'Indecent Proposal', with a feisty heroine, determined to make the best of a tricky situation she's got herself into, and a hot, sexually voracious, very alpha Victorian gentlemen who takes a fancy to her. I think it's going to be lots of fun!
IN THE FLESH is loosely linked to
A GENTLEWOMAN'S RAVISHMENT which come out back to back as Spice Briefs next Spring!
Not sure yet what the second book of the deal will be... but I'll worry about that when the time comes! :)

Eating: potato snacks
Watching: Airforce Afghanistan
Reading: various
Writing: nothing today
Feeling: excited!!!!