Thursday 22 January 2009

Daily Tweetage

My day in tweets:

23:21 Daily Tweetage: My day in tweets: 23:24 Daily Tweetage: My day in tweets: 23:22 Daily Tweetage: My day in tweets..

08:26 Grey, cold day here in Yorkshire. Need to be positive & focused today. Would like to achieve lots.

08:45 Lingering over my breakfast cuppa tea. Savouring the moment. Need to relax, not think about 'stuff' all the time, free brain for creativity.

09:30 Weird, when I'm writing a story it always seems like crap... but when I read it afterwards, I suddenly start to like it a lot more! :)

16:19 Editing current story, glancing thru book ideas. Funny, when I came up with them, bankers were glam heroes. Now they're demons to many folk

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